Monthly Archives: October 2015

Week 12

File Oct 30, 6 03 40 AMThis is what I did for this week. Since tomorow is Halloween We had a Halloween and we whore pj to. We figered out a new app called Tocmtostic. We also did another Kahoot ,but this time it was about Halloween. On the same day of the Halloween party the kinders held a parade. We are allso doing another PPT on Figurative Language. We are allso doing more letters aroned the world and aLlso I got sick on Tusday. So this was my really good week.

Week 11

We had so much fun this week. This week we had at the car loby a haunted house it was so much fun and scary. you can do it next year at rocky hill. We finally got to show our commercals at school. They were awesome! Sadly we had to give away our safty post it was sad.We had lots of letters from all over the world. And also I might change my back ground soon. So this was my very good week.IMG_4209

Week 10

My week 10 was the best week ever. We only had 3 days for this week. We only had 3 days because it was fall brake. This week we got new epals I don’t know how they  are yet. I finished wrighting my halloween wrighting. We also did power points for ower flamingo and showed it to special needs. This was my 10 week. IMG_4044

Week 9th

My week 9th was so much fun. My teacher is so much fun. We have pen pals my pen pal is from france ,but the thing is i really don’t know that much about my pen pal. I don’t know if my pen pal is a girl or a boy! Or how to pernose her name. We are also doing a halloween writing [ I am not don.] In science we are doing a project wear we have to go home and trace our famyls hand. I am so the soory that this mite be to short for you but I have to go. This was my 9th cool week.IMG_3938

My Week 8

My week 8 was a very good week. First,on monday all of the teachers had some kind of meting so,we didn’t have to go to school so,that means it was only 4 weeks. In the week we did lots of fall activities it was fun! We also wrote to people that were ether in the air force or the army. This week when we went to tec we did something new we lered how to tip. The last thing i would want to tell you is goodby.