Monthly Archives: December 2015

Week 17

My week 17 was great. I do something called the library job. This is what I do . I go around picking up books fro different classes and bring them to the library. The sad part about it is that this week is my last. But there is more stuff I have o tell you. At the school they had a parade for Christmas. This tie I wasn’t in it. But I did get my face panted. I didn’t do that much this week but I had a good time. That was my week. IMG_4853

Week 16

My week 16 was really fun I would like to talk about it. One of the things that we did was Candy Cane Cottage. Candy Cane Cottage is were people set up in the gym and we shop for Christmas. Next we did Christmas cards to our pen pals. We graded some of our test to. We also rout about what we want for Christmas on a paper present. And last of all on Saturday there is going to be a pared. That is what I did for this week.File Dec 04, 8 33 29 AM